Sociation Today®
The Official Journal of
The North Carolina
Sociological Association: A
Refereed Web-Based Publication
ISSN 1542-6300
Editorial Board:
George H. Conklin,
North Carolina
Central University
Richard Dixon,
Chien Ju Huang,
North Carolina
Central University
Ken Land,
Duke University
Miles Simpson,
North Carolina
Central University
Ron Wimberley,
N.C. State University
Robert Wortham,
North Carolina
Central University
Back Issues
Volume 2, Number 2
Fall 2004
Outline of Articles
Concept of The Family: Demographic and Genealogical Perspectives
by Charles B. Nam
Household size in the United States
has been decreasing since the first census of the nation was taken. The
demographic perspective, which focuses on the household, probably has
led to the popular notion that the family is in a state of decline.
Nam argues that the demographic measure of the familly is far
too narrow. Rather, there is considerable evidence
that kinship remains important today, even if kin do not live together.
Economic and Social Impact of Job Loss in Robeson County, North Carolina
by Leslie Hossfeld, Mac Legerton and Gerald Keuster
As industry becomes less and less
important in information-oriented societies, what happens to those left
behind? What happens to older workers? The authors use Robeson
County in North Carolina as a case study.
the “Queen Science” Lost Her Crown: A Brief Social History of Science Fairs
and the Marginalization of Social Science
by Jonathan Marx
Science fairs at one time started
out with an interest of increasing participation in the sciences.
But as time has passed, the definition of science has been narrowed to
the point where any possible social science project has been eliminated
in favor of the bench sciences only. Even here, natural curiosity
of students has been deemphasized. It is not surprising that science
majors in the USA are becoming fewer and fewer given the narrowing of the
disciplines. Young people are discouraged from
majoring in science by the science
Stratification: The Digital Divide In North Carolina
by Kenneth R. Wilson, Christa Reiser, Kelly Potter and
Jennifer S. Wallin
Despite efforts to provide
access to the internet in rural areas, in most areas of information technology
the gap between urban and rural areas is growing. Urban residents
are far more likely to have access to computer services than their rural
counterparts. Whites much more likely to have access to the internet
at home compared to African Americans in North Carolina.
Impact of Density: The Importance of Nonlinearlity and Selection on Flight
and Fight Responses: A Review Article
by George H. Conklin
The article "The Impact of Density"
by Wendy C. Regoeczi is reviewed as part of Sociation Today's effort to
place focus on important articles relating to core social science concepts.
The effects of density on human behavior may have been underreported in
the past due to the non-linear relationship between density and crowding
and the fact that people self select out of dense situations.
©2004 by The North Carolina Sociological Association.