ISSN 1542-6300
The Official Journal of the
North Carolina Sociological
A Peer-Reviewed
Refereed Web-Based
Fall/Winter 2015
Volume 13, Issue 2
Desegregation and
Resegregation of the
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools,
Insights for the Future of Public
Education in North Carolina and the
Amy Hawn Nelson
UNC Charlotte
Roslyn Arlin Mickelson
UNC Charlotte
Stephen Samuel Smith
Winthrop University
For three decades the
Charlotte-Mecklenburg School (CMS)
district was a bellwether in the
nation's desegregation history.
Following the Supreme Court's 1971 Swann
decision upholding cross-town busing
as a constitutional remedy for de jure
segregation, CMS implemented a
desegregation plan that placed the
district at the forefront of the
nation's efforts to desegregate public
schools. Few school
reforms have been as fully and
successfully implemented as CMS'
desegregation plan (Mickelson, Smith,
and Hawn Nelson 2015). (1) The
desegregation experience in CMS was
widely viewed as successful because of
broad community support, high levels
of racial balance throughout the
district, and improved educational
outcomes for all students (Mickelson
2001; Smith 2004).
From the mid-1970s until 2002, when
the Swann court order was
vacated and CMS began operating as a
unitary system, desegregation in CMS
produced academic and social benefits
for all K-12 students irrespective of
their race or social class
backgrounds (Hawn 2010;
Mickelson 2001, 2015; Smith 2004).
During that period civic leaders and
community members from all walks of
life took tremendous pride in the
district's accomplishments, and
Charlotte gained the national
recognition as a progressive New South
city. This recognition heightened the
community's standing as a good place
to live and do business, a reputation
that increased the area's economic
development (Smith 2004). For three
decades, desegregation of the
Charlotte schools benefitted students,
the larger community, and spurred
economic development of the
metropolitan area.
Thus, it is ironic that CMS is now
among the many school districts across
the nation that have resegregated.
Fourteen years after desegregation
efforts ceased in 2002, and forty-five
years after Swann, CMS has
largely resegregated across race and
class lines. One in five schools is
now hypersegregated, with more than
95% students of color while other
schools in the outlying areas are
disproportionately white
(Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
2014). CMS students'
outcomes, from test scores to
graduation rates, are linked to the
racial and SES composition of their
schools (Billings, Deming, and Rockoff
2014). CMS is certainly not alone in
this regard. Resegregation has
increased nationally (Fiel 2013),
particularly in districts declared
unitary and released from
court-ordered desegregation (Reardon
et. al 2012).
Importantly, the story of segregation,
desegregation, and resegregation in
Charlotte has broad implications for
racial justice and equal educational
rights in both local and national
education policy debates. The
forty-year history of the building and
unraveling of desegregation's social
and political coalition in Charlotte
is far less about a failed policy
experience than it is about a rejected
policy success (Oakes 2015).
This article focuses on three themes
that emerge from CMS' desegregation
story: the interplay of structure and
agency in policy decisions, the
interest convergence thesis of public
policy, and the imperative for social
purpose politics for advancing a
school diversity policy agenda. CMS's
desegregation history and the lessons
from it illustrate several larger
theoretical points and public policy
themes with which school systems and
state governments continue to wrestle.
History of the Resegregation of CMS
Beginning in the early 1970s, CMS
responded to the Supreme Court's
decision in Swann (1971) by
successfully implementing a
district-wide desegregation plan that
it operated until 2002. The district
relied primarily on cross-town busing
and paired elementary schools until
1992. But a drift toward racial
imbalance started in the mid-1980s and
intensified after the district adopted
a controlled-choice magnet school plan
for desegregation. Families
volunteered to enter their children
into a magnet school enrollment
lottery for available seats in desired
schools. The lottery targeted 40
percent of seats for blacks and 60
percent of seats for whites and
members of other racial groups. Under
the magnet plan, most schools met the
desegregation guidelines, though
overall imbalance in the district did
increase. The controlled-choice
lottery for magnet school seats was
designed to meet CMS' legal obligation
to desegregate. The use of racial
guidelines in the magnet school
lottery process prompted a lawsuit by
white families who challenged the use
of race in pupil assignment
(Capacchione et al. 1999). As a
result of this lawsuit, the original Swann
litigation was reopened. Because
the original Swann plaintiffs
no longer had standing (their children
had long since graduated from CMS),
two young Black families, the Belk and
Collins families, joined as
plaintiff-interveners. In the original
Swann case, it is important to
note, the school board vigorously
opposed desegregation. In contrast,
almost three decades later, the CMS
school board voted 6-3 to continue to
pursue desegregation efforts and
fought to continue operating under
Swann. Thus, in 1999, the CMS school
board's official position was similar
to that of the Belk plaintiff-interveners;
namely, the school system still had
not yet complied fully with the 1971 Swann
decision to fully desegregate CMS and
therefore should not be declared
Federal Judge Robert Potter heard the
consolidated Capacchione-Belk
cases in the spring of 1999. As a
private citizen, Potter had publically
opposed mandatory desegregation during
the 1960s and 1970s (Smith 2004), but
he did not recuse himself from the
case. Judge Potter declared CMS
unitary and ordered the district to
eliminate race as a consideration in
subsequent pupil assignment plans. CMS
and the Belk
plaintiff-interveners appealed
Potter's decision. While the
ruling was being appealed the school
board designed a race-neutral pupil
assignment plan based on students'
residential neighborhoods, but held
off implementing it until all appeals
were exhausted. After several
years of unsuccessful appeals of
Potter's unitary status decision, in
2002, CMS implemented its
residentially-based race-neutral
student assignment plan.
As expected, given the class and
race segregation of many of
Charlotte's neighborhoods, the
residential-based pupil assignment
led to dramatically increased racial
and socioeconomic school
segregation. Figure 1 displays the
dissimilarity index for CMS
elementary schools during for the
past 40 years. (2)
Figure 1 shows how successful CMS
was in creating desegregated schools
in the 1970s and 1980s, how the
district began to resegregate after
magnet schools replaced busing as
the key desegregation tool in the
early 1990s, and how the district
sharply resegregated after unitary
status in 2002. Schools in CMS are
now approaching levels of
black/white segregation that existed
prior to Swann.
1: Black/White Dissimilarity
Index: CMS Elementary Schools
American Communities Project and
Schools in Mickelson, Smith, and Hawn
Nelson, 2015
Interplay of Structure and
Agency in Policy Choices
The district's experiences with
desegregation and resegregation
have political, educational,
legal, economic, demographic,
and normative dimensions that
unfolded over the past four
decades. All dimensions are
linked by a common theme that
can be described as the
interplay between structure and
agency. Agency typically refers
to "individual or group
abilities (intentional or
otherwise) to affect their
environment" while structure
typically refers to the
conditions that "define the
range of actions available to
actors" (McNulla 2002:
271). (3) The
dynamic interplay between
structural forces and human
agency contributes to
educational policy outcomes that
unfolded in CMS from the late
1960s to the present. This
interplay is starkly apparent in
the case of desegregation and
resegregation in
Charlotte-Mecklenburg, where
policy choices made over decades
created facts on the ground that
initially enhanced CMS' capacity
to desegregate but, over time,
limited policy actors'—even
those dedicated to diverse
education—to maintain
desegregation in CMS.
experience illustrates how
yesterday's policy choices,
programs, and judicial decisions
become the 'brick-and-mortar' and
legal structures that set the
parameters for today's policies,
programs, and choices.
Furthermore, complicating the
iterative relationship of
structure and agency across time,
is the fact that any policy
actor’s agency is affected by a
series of nested structures—many
of them due to U.S.
federalism—within which education
policy is made. That is, local
choices are made within state and
federal contexts.
interactions of structural forces
(such as population growth and
shifting spatial demographics in
Mecklenburg County) and human
agency (policy decisions by
business, local government, and
school leaders) contributed to the
district's school-level
demographic shifts over several
decades. This interaction meant
that no single actor,
organization, policy decision,
court case, local education agency
(LEA), state education agency
(SEA), or federal agency, was
solely responsible for
segregation, desegregation, or
One poignant
example of this dynamic involves
the 1959 consolidation of the
then-separate city and county
school districts that occurred
following the advocacy (agency) of
civic leaders. Advocates were
concerned about the disparity
between city and county schools
and recognized the savings that
would accrue from consolidation's
increased efficiencies. Some
Charlotteans might have realized
the desegregation implications of
this policy choice given the
somewhat recent Supreme Court
decision of Brown in 1954.
But such implications received
little public discussion. Just
over 10 years later, given the
legal conditions created by the Swann
decision, consolidation
facilitated desegregation. Given
the size of Mecklenburg County,
524 square miles, families would
need to move out of the county to
avoid desegregation. While such
moves were possible, the
consolidated political structure
constrained the agency of
individuals seeking to avoid the
court mandate, thus enhancing CMS'
ability to effectively
Supreme Court
decisions, specifically the cases
from Brown (1954) through
Swann (1971) were
foundational for CMS'
desegregation efforts. Acts
of congress are also
important. The 1964 Civil
Rights Act and 1965 Elementary and
Secondary Education Act both
facilitated desegregation. The
Elementary and Secondary Education
Act (ESEA) provided increased aid
to local districts that pursued
desegregation while sections of
the Civil Rights Act authorized
the withholding of funds from
segregated districts. Such
earlier equity-inspired federal
education legislation contrasts
with more recent federal education
initiatives that place little
emphasis on diversity. Since 1980,
broad educational policies have
moved from being equity-based
(IDEA, Title IX, desegregation) to
market-based approaches that
include standards, accountability,
high stakes testing, school
choice, and increased local
control. ESEA,
subsequently reauthorized as No
Child Left Behind (2001) and
more recently as Every Student
Succeeds (2015), and the
Obama Administration's Race to the
Top initiative focus on school
improvement strategies that are
market-inspired reforms, including
an emphasis on choice, standards,
testing, and accountability.
Research suggests that increases
in high stakes testing (Nichols
and Berliner 2008) and shifts in
enrollment from traditional public
schools in NC to charter schools
(Ladd, Clotfelter, and Holbein
2015) are school improvement
strategies that not only fail to
improve outcomes, but also
exacerbate segregation. Diverse
schools not only improve outcomes
for all students (Frankenberg
2007; Mickelson 2014; Mickelson,
Bottia, and Lambert 2013;
Mickelson and Nkomo 2012), they
also can lower per pupil
expenditures (Basile 2012; Orfield
and Eaton 1996).
efforts in the 1970s reflected a
political understanding that
advanced the interests of both the
local corporate class and the
black community. The local
corporate class supported school
desegregation, and black political
leaders mobilized votes in support
of bond referenda needed to
sustain economic development and
elect pro-growth political
candidates (Smith 2004). This
alliance was a defining
characteristic of Charlotte's
urban regime through the 1970s and
1980s, and it played an important
role in the election of pro-growth
officials and the passage of bond
referenda for roads, sewers, and
other necessary infrastructure for
growth. This alliance was
exemplified by the election of
Harvey Gantt in 1983 and 1985, the
first black to be elected mayor of
a large, predominantly white
southern city.
Local corporate
elite benefitted from
desegregation once it was
implemented. Charlotte gained a
national reputation as a
progressive southern city.
Its tranquil race relations made
Charlotte a good place in which to
invest mobile capital and a
destination where families could
relocate and raise their children.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s,
national firms relocated their
headquarters to Charlotte,
bringing professionals and
managers, and their families to
Mecklenburg County.
Although school
desegregation facilitated
development, when there was a
conflict between the two,
development typically trumped
desegregation (Smith 2004). As
early as 1979, observers noted
that the predominantly white
neighborhoods in the southern part
of the county would make it
increasingly more difficult to
create racial balance in schools.
Additionally, neighborhood school
assignment plans pose challenges
to desegregation efforts,
particularly in communities such
as Charlotte that have
historically had high levels of
neighborhood segregation. The
explosive growth that occurred in
the southern edges of the county
in the 1980s exemplified this
conflict. Schools, such as
McAlpine Elementary, were built in
response to this growth. The
siting of such schools spurred
more development, which in turn,
created more imbalances. The
siting of McAlpine and the
subsequent suburban development
that occurred resulted in a school
with a 4% black population in
1995-1996 at time when blacks were
almost 40% of CMS elementary
school enrollment that year.
The policy
dynamics involved in the siting
of McAlpine Elementary School
illuminate the challenges of
creating diverse schools in CMS,
a district that in 2016 has more
than 160 schools. The population
of Mecklenburg County has grown
rapidly, in part because of the
robust economic development
built upon the successes of
desegregated education (Smith
2004). In 1950, 200,000 people
lived in the county. The
population is projected to be
1.3 million in 2030. Table 1
presents population growth in
Mecklenburg County from 1990
through 2014 (United States
Census 2015). What is noteworthy
here is the enormous growth in
the Hispanic, Asian, and
foreign-born populations,
relative to the growth among
blacks and whites. Mecklenburg
County's explosive growth and
changing demographics
contributed to the structural
factors that have affected
desegregation policies.
Table 1:
Population of Mecklenburg County,
North Carolina, by Race,
Ethnicity from
Foreign Born
Source: United
States Census 2015
Note: The foreign born
population is not mutually exclusive
of other population groups.
At the height of desegregation,
whites made up over 60% of CMS
students. In 2015, nearly 70% of
CMS' 160,000 students are Asian,
Black, Latino/a, Native American,
or mixed race individuals. Many
new students are English language
learners (ELL). Over 175 languages
are spoken in CMS students' homes,
complicating the design and
delivery of appropriate language
services to CMS' ELL population
(Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
The Interest
Convergence Thesis
Desegregation was instituted and
maintained for decades by
mutually beneficial alliances
between corporate and civic
leaders, leaders in the black
community, and faith-based
organizations. But the coalition
that implemented and supported
desegregation has dissolved in
the past twenty years and as a
consequence, the political and
social scaffolding for
desegregation education policy
choices is much weaker.
The weakening
of this coalition illustrates the
second theoretical point of this
article, namely that Charlotte's
resegregation history accords with
a version of legal scholar Derrick
Bell's (1980) interest convergence
thesis paraphrased as
follows: Blacks' interest in
racial justice is generally
accommodated only when that
interest converges with that of
whites in policy-making positions.
When desegregation advanced the
interests of Charlotte's white
corporate and political elites in
the 1960s-mid 1980s, they
supported it. Desegregation
fostered the city's image as a
good place to live and do
business. The population swelled
and economic development continued
throughout this period. When
desegregation began to conflict
with development in the
late-1980s, corporate leaders'
support largely dissipated. And
when development and school
desegregation conflicted,
development almost always won.
When officials and developers made
choices—where to locate new
residential developments,
scattered site public housing,
sewer and water lines, or where to
construct the southern route of
I-485 Outerbelt—the interests of
developers trumped the interests
of facilitating and maintaining
the highly successful
desegregation plan (Mickelson,
Smith, and Hawn Nelson 2015; Smith
Bell's interest
convergence thesis is clearly
reflected in the development of
Mecklenburg County's I-485
Outerbelt. Bell's thesis helps us
interpret the history of the
siting of the southern route of
I-485 and how the selected route
fueled the development of one of
Charlotte's sprawling racially and
socio-economically segregated
suburbs. While the siting of I-485
spurred economic development of
the southern region of Mecklenburg
County, the decision had a
negative impact on CMS' ability to
comply with the desegregation
mandate. Placing I-485 closer to
the central part of the county
would have facilitated
desegregation; placing it farther
away from the central city,
hindered desegregation. Playing a
key role in events that led to the
Outerbelt's location was developer
Johnny Harris who sought to
develop his family's vast
landholdings into Ballantyne, now
colloquially referred to as a
"suburb on steroids" that "sprang
up out of nowhere around an
interstate that didn't even exist
twenty years ago" (Newsome 2012).
In addition to donating land for
the Outerbelt and other roads,
Harris drew on his fundraising
activities in a gubernatorial
election to gain an appointment to
the state's Board of
Transportation and used this
position to push for the
construction of an Outerbelt route
that would benefit the development
of this "suburb on steroids."
Ballantyne and nearby
neighborhoods currently have some
of the most racially and
socioeconomically isolated white
and high wealth schools in the
So Why Did CMS
Ironically, the success of the
desegregation plan contributed to
its demise. As discussed earlier,
efforts by a coalition of
corporate, civic, and religious
elites, and leaders of the black
community lead to economic
development and explosive
population growth. This growth was
fueled by the dramatic influx of
newcomers to Charlotte, which then
created a new set of challenges.
Many newcomers were unfamiliar
with the history of desegregation
efforts in Charlotte-Mecklenburg
and did not share in the civic
pride or understand the positive
economic impact of desegregation,
nor did they appreciate the
educational benefits of diverse
schools. Most newcomers were from
outside of the south, and were
accustomed to smaller, more
racially and socioeconomically
homogeneous school boundaries that
they found in the consolidated and
expansive school district.
This created a dramatically
different schooling experience for
newcomers to Charlotte, and many
newcomers, such as most of the
white plaintiffs in the Capacchione
et al. (1999) case,
were dissatisfied, and challenged
the policies of the district.
By the early
1990s, the efforts of corporate
leaders and developers were not
aligned with those in support of
desegregation efforts, and
alliances unraveled. At the same
time, the increasingly verbal
assault on public education that
arguably began with A
Nation at Risk in 1983
fueled this discontent. This was
most evident in the political
mobilization of newcomers that
orchestrated the 1988 defeat of
incumbent CMS school board
members who strongly supported
school desegregation. Beginning
in 1991-1992, the revamped
school board took several
actions that undermined
desegregation. First and
foremost, the school board chose
a superintendent who promised to
end mandatory busing. By the
mid-1990s, voluntary
participation in a
controlled-choice magnet plan
replaced the established
mandatory desegregation plan. At
this time, new schools were
sited on land in virtually all
white communities near the I-485
Outerbelt or in vacant land
where few subdivisions existed.
These new schools, in turn,
fueled additional population
growth and real estate
development along the edges of
the county, complicating
desegregation efforts.
As this
abbreviated history of CMS'
desegregation and resegregation
suggests, there is no one policy,
person or organization responsible
for CMS' resegregation. The racial
and SES composition of CMS schools
reflects the complex political,
economic, and social realities
facing the community in 2015 and
how the interplay between
structure and agency over time
generated the parameters within
which decision makers made the
policy choices that
undermined a successful
desegregation plan. That said,
several identifiable dynamics are
worth noting.
Housing Policy is Education
is increasingly the case across
the nation, when school systems
use neighborhood-based student
assignment policies, housing
policy becomes school policy.
Under a residential-based
assignment plan, racially and
SES-diverse neighborhoods will
yield racially and SES-diverse
schools. But, most of Mecklenburg
County's neighborhoods, by and
large, are not diverse in terms of
their racial and SES compositions,
although the county is more
residentially integrated than it
was in 1970s (Smith 2004). Figure
2 presents the spatial
demographics of the residential
population of Mecklenburg County
by race in 2010. It shows
the extent of the residential
racial segregation and why, given
CMS' current pupil assignment
policy choices, it is extremely
difficult to create diverse
schools if neighborhood boundaries
serve as the primary criterion for
pupil assignments.
Figure 2: Racial
Dot Map of Charlotte-Mecklenburg

2010 Cenus, UNC Charlotte Urban
Shifting Spatial
Notably, the CMS school board
has announced its intentions to
revisit its pupil assignment
plan in 2016 to engage issues of
diversity and growth (Dunn
2015). As mentioned
earlier, the size of the
district's student population
has increased in the past
several decades. The vast
majority of Mecklenburg County's
students still attend public
schools including
charters. Charter schools
tend to be more racially
segregated than regular public
schools (Ladd, Clotfelter, and
Holbein 2015). The
county's percentage of students
enrolled in private schools has
remained fairly steady over the
past three decades (North
Carolina Division of Non-Public
Instruction 2015). The greatest
change in school-age population
comes from community-level
demographic shifts. The
shifts in the spatial
demographics of Mecklenburg
County's population are closely
related to changing pupil
assignments and contribute to
the resegregation of the
district. The proportion of
Blacks in CMS has held constant,
the proportion of Whites has
decreased, while the proportions
of Latinos and Asians have
exploded. The relative growth of
Latino and Asian students—and
where these students live in
Mecklenburg County—complicates
designing pupil assignment plans
for racial balance.
Another layer of complication
comes from the growth in the
proportion of CMS students
qualifying for free/reduced
lunch (FRL). As Figure 3
illustrates, as of 2013, 54% of
CMS students qualified for
free/reduced lunches. Even if
CMS were to approach school
diversity by designing a student
assignment plan using family
SES, creating diverse schools
will be challenging due to the
relative size and spatial
demographics of the low-income
student population. A recently
adopted policy, the community
eligibility provision (CEP),
treats all students in a school
as eligible for FRL. CEP aims to
eliminate the administrative
burden of individual lunch
applications at high-poverty
schools (U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture 2015). Data on
FRL-status are no longer
reported for CMS students, as of
2014-2015 (Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Schools 2015). These changes
also mean that district-wide
longitudinal comparisons of
students living in poverty are
no longer possible.
Figure 3.
Elementary School Socioeconomic
Resegregation 1997-2013

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Corporate and Civic
Leadership for
A third factor that
contributes to CMS'
resegregation is the
absence of leadership
among the corporate,
civic, religious, and
community groups that once
championed desegregation
in Charlotte.
The absent support from
the corporate community on
this issue is especially
egregious given the
massive benefits it reaped
from school desegregation
during the last third of
the 20th century as
Charlotte grew and
prospered. But because
desegregation is no longer
needed to promote economic
growth, most corporate
elites currently do little
to oppose resegregation or
to promote diverse
schools. In fact,
corporate efforts during
the past few years could
be more accurately
described as school
improvement interventions
aimed at making racially
separate schools "equal."
For example, since 2012
Charlotte corporate
philanthropic efforts have
funded an intervention to
support failing racially
isolated schools. One of
these schools, West
Charlotte High School, had
a standardized test score
passing rate below 30% in
2004 (NC Report Card
2015), and was chastised
by Judge Howard Manning
for committing ‘academic
genocide.' The local
corporate community's
philanthropic effort,
known as Project LIFT, is
providing $55 million over
5 years to nine
hypersegregated poor and
non-white, low-performing
schools, including West
Charlotte. The Project's
intention is to address
the concentrated
educational disadvantage
that occurs in segregated
schools by adding
educational staff,
academic interventions,
and wrap-around community
resources. While the
efforts of Project LIFT
and similar philanthropic
efforts are
well-intentioned and
temporarily may relieve
some educational
inequities, findings from
the Project LIFT: Year
Two Report (2014)
are inconclusive at best
and at worst indicate
minimal movement toward
permanent solutions to
educational disadvantages
in the Project LIFT zone
Importantly, however,
efforts like Project LIFT
signal corporate, civic,
and educational leaders'
acquiescence to segregated
public education.
Shifts in Political
The CMS board members and
staff's abandonment of
desegregation as a tool
for educational equity and
school improvement
occurred simultaneously
with the increased
political mobilization of
whites due to overcrowding
in suburban schools. The
overcrowding was a direct
consequence of the rapid
development of suburbs in
Mecklenburg County, much
of which was facilitated
by the I-485 Outerbelt. At
the same time, there was a
marked decrease in
political mobilization
among blacks and other
groups in support of
National Enchantment with
Market-Inspired Reforms
CMS' resegregation began
in a national policy
environment that can be
described as a growing
enchantment with
market-inspired reforms.
Since the late 1980s, the
education policy arena has
experienced the ascent of
market-inspired approaches
to school reform that have
supplanted earlier
strategies. Bilingual
education, desegregation,
and compensatory education
typified equity-oriented
reform approaches since
the middle of the last
century. At present even
federal equity-inspired
policies like ESEA are
infused with market
principles. No
Child Left Behind
refracted federal money
for school improvement and
equity through the prism
of standards, testing, and
accountability. The market
approach to reform, to a
large degree, also
undergirds the Every
Child Succeeds Act
despite widely
acknowledged failures of
NCLB to either increase
equity or improve outcomes
(Nichols and Berliner
The trend toward
market-inspired reforms
also includes rhetoric
demeaning the public
sector, especially
educators and their
organizations. Teacher
unions are widely blamed
for educational problems
even though the nation's
worst educational outcomes
are found in nonunion
states and the best occur
in unionized states like
Connecticut. Recent
market-inspired and
anti-teacher reforms in NC
include efforts to
eliminate tenure for
public school teachers,
elimination of pay
increases for advanced
degrees or experience,
expansion of charter
schools, and privatization
of many education-related
services (Fiske and Ladd
2014). The growth of
charter schools in NC, for
example, is fueled by
conservative political
ideology at the state
level and mediated by
state-level changes in
educational structures.
Charter growth was also
encouraged by federal Race
to the Top incentives and
NCLB waivers (Trull 2015).
Role of Social Purpose
Politics in Creating
CMS for Tomorrow
Judge Potter's 1999
decision declaring CMS
unitary became a structure
that channeled the school
board's agency as it
designed a post-Swann
pupil assignment plan. And
then year after year,
subsequent decisions about
new assignment plans,
locations for new schools
and their catchment zones,
and curricular and
administrative reforms
became the new structural
parameters for the next
set of decisions. In
a 2013 interview, one CMS
school board member
explained that immediately
after Judge Potter's 1999
decision declaring CMS
We as a
district took the most
conservative reading of
the Potter decision and
as a result, where we
might have had things we
could have done
initially, we didn't do
them. And then the
further we got away from
it [unitary status], the
harder it was going to
be to undo things.
While CMS' ability to
pursue desegregation may
have been constrained by
these larger historical
choices and the subsequent
political, demographic,
and sociological
conditions described in
the previous section, the
future pursuit of racially
and socioeconomically
diverse schools is not
impossible. The leaders of
the Charlotte-Mecklenburg
School system can staunch
or even reverse
resegregation. In fact, in
May 2015 the CMS school
board announced plans to
revisit pupil assignment
specifically to address
issues of diversity (Dunn
Several strategies for
increasing diversity
emerge from this article's
- Leading
by Example: Civic,
corporate, religious,
and educational
leaders can embrace
diversity by enrolling
their own children in
public schools.
- Revising
CMS pupil assignment
plan to prioritize
diversity, along with
stability of
assignments, proximity
to residence, and
utilization of school
- Emphasizing
diversity because it
is an effective,
efficient tool for
improving academic
outcomes for all
students (Basile
- Building
new schools in
locations that
facilitate diversity.
Given the spatial
demographics of
Mecklenburg County's
population (see Figure
2), this is a feasible
approach that is also
consistent with both
Justice Kennedy's
controlling opinion in
Parents Involved in
Community Schools
(2007) and the Joint
Guidance on pupil
assignment that the
Department of
Education and Justice
issued in December,
2011 to guide policy
makers in designing
pupil assignment plans
consistent with PICS
of Education and U.S.
Department of Justice
- Increasing
strategic use of
partial magnets. One
in four CMS schools
are partial or full
magnets. If used
effectively, partial
magnets can draw a
diverse student body
and support learning
for all students in a
school (Hawn Nelson
- Encouraging
state policies that
incentivize charter
schools to incorporate
diversity into their
missions, admissions,
and curricula
(Kahlenberg and Potter
2014). As of
2012, three out of
four charter schools
in Mecklenburg County
were racially and
(Clotfelter, Ladd, and
Holbein 2015).
- Supporting
coordinated approaches
to housing,
transportation, and
education policy
initiatives throughout
the county.
Doing so will address
the core issues
underlying the
education and housing
policy nexus that
either advances or
hinders diversity in
schools and
- Acknowledging
that the concentrated
disadvantages inherent
in segregated schools
means that alone money
spent in
schools cannot bridge
the race and SES
opportunity gaps, and
thus spending more
money in segregated
schools in lieu of
school diversity
cannot close
achievement gaps
absent the other
initiatives, policies,
and political
discussed above.
This list of eight policy
recommendations is based
on decades of social,
educational, and
behavioral research about
what does and does not
work to close the
opportunity to learn gaps
that underlie race and SES
achievement gaps. To
implement any of the
reforms above, Charlotte,
or any community seeking
to engage in similarly
bold school reforms must
have broad support from
corporate, religious,
civil, and community-based
organizations to realize
the benefits of greater
political mobilization. To
do this, a community will
need to engage in social
purpose politics.
Purpose Politics
In his studies on school
reform, Clarence Stone,
probably contemporary
political science's most
influential urbanist,
emphasized the importance
of what he calls social
purpose politics. He
defines the concept as the
ability of interested
people to go beyond a
"narrow understanding of
their stake in the
education system . . .
[and] come together around
a larger vision of what is
at issue." That coming
together, in turn,
contributes to
mobilization "in support
of a communitywide cause"
(Stone 1988:12). The
role of social purpose
politics in school reform
and desegregation is the
third theme of this study.
By all accounts,
implementation of
Charlotte's busing plan in
the 1970s was just such a
cause, and the success of
its implementation
reflects the
community's historical
capacity for social
purpose politics.
There have been other
moments of social purpose
politics in support of
public education
throughout the district's
three decade history of
compliance with Swann.
One especially magisterial
call to engage in social
purpose politics came in a
2000 op-ed piece by a
local minister urging
support for a bond package
shortly after Judge Potter
declared CMS to be unitary
and vacated the Swann
desegregation order.
Entitled "School Bonds
Will Reveal If Charlotte
Has a Soul," the article
evokes the importance of
empathy and reads like a
textbook example of social
purpose politics. "This
issue asks us to feel the
pain of every part of our
city and calls us to
exercise ‘soul,' our
capacity to be related to
the whole," it said,
concluding by asking
Charlotteans "to look
beyond the welfare of
their part alone to the
welfare of the whole and
support the bonds"
(Shoemaker 2000).
Very little of that kind
of politics characterizes
Charlotte's political
landscape today. Recent
efforts at the state level
by the Forward Together
Moral Movement (organized
by the North Carolina
NAACP) and the
Presbyterian Church appear
to be a small step in
encouraging clergy support
for educational
reform. While
desegregation of schools
is not a specific
component of the clergy's
message to North Carolina
policy makers, this slight
shift in discourse at the
state level could be a
positive sign of a
stirring amongst a
previously dormant base to
begin to advocate for
change at the local level.
Clergy and community
leaders played a pivotal
role in building social
purpose politics around
school assignment policies
in the desegregation
battles of decades
past. Given the
important role religious
institutions play in the
city and the state's
cultures, enlisting their
efforts to help develop
local social purpose
politics would be an
important first step.
Another important version
of this theme blends
social purpose politics
with political
mobilization. This hybrid
involves community
activism focused on
reintegrating schools in
residentially diverse
neighborhoods where
elementary schools do not
reflect their
diversity. Such a
grassroots effort helped
CMS's Shamrock Gardens
Elementary School
transform from a racially
isolated low performing
school to an academically
improved integrating
school recognized
nationally by the Magnet
Schools of America in
2014. Members of the
Plaza Midwood neighborhood
group became a network of
activists who not only
enrolled their children in
Shamrock Gardens, but also
actively recruited other
neighbors who previously
avoided the local
school. At the same
time, parent-activists
mobilized to gain
resources for their
school. In particular,
they lobbied for a gifted
magnet program and
top-notch educational
leaders and
teachers. Together
the educators and parent
activists at Shamrock
Gardens worked intensively
with the CMS
administration and the
school's principal to
successfully implement a
gifted magnet program
that, once successful,
because the curricular and
pedagogical model for all
classrooms in the
school. Results of
these efforts were not
immediate. Rather, the
efforts launched a success
trajectory that took a
decade to flourish.
Although it is impossible
to know whether these
efforts will be a
permanent success (after
all, a school's teachers,
administrators, parents,
and students all change
over time), early
indications are that the
Shamrock Gardens model is
promising (Hawn Nelson
2015). Shamrock Gardens
stands as an example of
why efforts to build
diverse schools from the
ground up are as important
as building them from the
top down. Such efforts
include promoting policies
that support naturally
diverse areas and
expanding the use of
partial magnets, but also
spreading the simple
message that if you
believe in the importance
of diversity, then you
should send your child to
a diverse school.
The history of CMS'
desegregation and
resegregation from the
1970s to the present has
been astutely
characterized by Jeannie
Oakes (2015) as more of a
rejection of a policy
success, than an
educational reform
failure. During Swann's
30-year time frame, the
policy choices of
educational, civic, and
corporate leaders
reflected the iterative
interplay of their
decisions (agency) within
the parameters or
boundaries (structures)
shaped by the consequences
of their predecessors'
choices. The
unfolding of this
structure/agency dynamic
within the context of a
federal system where local
educational decisions are
nested within the state
and national context is a
core theme of this
article. CMS's
cycles of school
desegregation and
resegregation also
demonstrate how local
social purpose politics
can shape educational
The history of CMS'
resegregation reveals that
beginning in the 1980s,
decision makers embraced
options that advanced
economic development
rather than the
maintenance of the
successful desegregation
plan. Such choices are
consistent with the
article's second theme,
Bell's interest
convergence thesis, that
holds Blacks' interests
will be advanced by
powerful Whites only to
the extent that doing so
also advances the latter's
perceived interests.
Once desegregation was no
longer needed to create a
positive, stable business
climate that could advance
development of the metro
area, the mainly white
corporate and civic
leadership abandoned
desegregation. To be sure,
they succumbed to the
national fascination with
market-inspired reforms
like choice, standards,
testing, and privatization
that have yet to be
successful as demonstrated
by the failure of No
Child Left Behind.
Combined with the emerging
conservative federal
judicial climate, the
striking growth and
demographic changes in the
population of Mecklenburg
County, and the absence of
political mobilization
among citizens and voters,
school diversity almost
disappeared from the
policy discourse in CMS
from 2002 to 2015.
Notably, discussions
during a spring 2015
school board meeting
indicated that excellence,
equity, and diversity will
once again become a focus
of CMS pupil assignment
policy choices (Dunn
CMS has been a bellwether
twice in the nation's
desegregation history. The
Swann litigation
paved the way for
desegregation in many
other districts, and CMS'
experience provided a
model of how a busing plan
can successfully be
implemented. For the same
reason that CMS was a
desegregation icon during
the Swann era,
the 1999 decision lifting
the original Swann order—despite
CMS' desire to remain
under it—was a nationally
recognized signal of how
strongly committed
activist federal judges
were to abandoning
judicial efforts to
fulfill Brown's
promises. These days,
nobody can claim that CMS
is a desegregation or
diversity bellwether of
any kind (Mickelson,
Smith, and Hawn Nelson
Some might dismiss the
importance of
resegregation, saying CMS
is now a bellwether of
another kind, a national
leader in urban education
as indicated by its
receipt of the 2011 Broad
Prize. Thousands of CMS
personnel and students
worked tirelessly to boost
test scores and meet the
Broad Foundation's
expectations. Such
commitment certainly
deserves to be rewarded.
But the Broad Foundation's
approach to education
reflects the wave of
foundation-funded and
market-driven school
reform strategies that is
sweeping over public
education and jeopardizing
the public in
public education
(Mickelson, Smith, and
Hawn Nelson 2015; Ravitch
Given the strong
evidence that attending socioeconomically
and diverse schools improves
academic achievement, increases
graduation rates, raises lifetime
incomes, improves intergroup
relations, decreases involvement
with the criminal justice system,
and are more cost-effective than
programs that funnel additional
resources to high-poverty schools,
it's ironic that the
bottom-line-conscious business
executives, such as Eli Broad or
Bill Gates, who are so eager to
improve public education don't
establish prizes for districts
that reverse resegregation and
pursue diversity.
Even if that were to
happen, for CMS to swim
against the resegregation
tide will take courage and
political will. Doing so
will also require
sustained political
mobilization across
ethnic, race, and class
lines for social purpose
politics on behalf of
creating diversity in CMS.
Such efforts offer the
promise of improving
educational outcomes and
saving money. They
could also be an example
to other districts,
perhaps even allowing CMS
to once again be a
bellwether. The
obligation to fulfill
desegregation's moral
imperative and the
opportunity to reap
diversity's benefits are
goals as lofty, worthy,
and cardinal in 2015 as
they were in 1970. By any
measure, racially
segregated schooling was
one of the most ambitious,
large-scale, and fully
implemented social
experiments in the
nation's history, and Jim
Crow education undoubtedly
harmed children and
communities. Given that
experiment's past
monstrous failures, and
moral (more accurately,
immoral) implications, the
burden is on those who
eschew school diversity to
provide a convincing
explanation of why they
think separate but equal
can be successful in the
twenty-first century.
Absent such an
explanation, shouldn't
school desegregation—with
its moral obligations,
educational benefits, and
its opportunities to reap
the benefits of
diversity—be atop the
educational reform agenda
of both Charlotte and the
nation as a whole?
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Yesterday, Today, and
Tomorrow: School
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commonly used measure of
segregation. In this figure
it indicates the proportion
of CMS elementary students
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schools for every school’s
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