Open Access, Reprint
Quality-Control Issues
Sociation Today is an open-access sociology
journal. It is refereed and quality
controlled. All articles submitted are
reviewed (refereed). The members of the
Editorial Board are listed on the home page
and at the bottom of each article, along
with our institutional affiliations.
These are the men and women who do most of
the refereeing for us.
Sociation Today is
published by the North Carolina Sociological
Association (NCSA), a non-profit
group. The web address for NCSA is Sociation
Today has a shortcut at No officer of
NCSA is paid nor receives any allowance for
travel to meetings or for any other
reason. We are all volunteers.
All the editorial board
members and the editor of Sociation
Today are also volunteers. Sociation
Today does not charge to review
manuscripts nor do we charge to publish
them. We do copyright our materials
for quality control purposes. However,
we do not charge anyone to read the
materials (thus open access). Nor is
there a charge to reprint an article BUT we
do ask for you to inform us of any interest
in reprinting AND to give the author and the
journal credit. You may not modify or
rewrite an article. Authors are free
to use their own article in any way they
wish, but would need to mention that it was
published first in Socation Today.
We do not accept articles that have been
previously published. As a regional
society, most of our authors are in the
region and thus the problem of plagiarism
has not been an issue with us.
Creative Commons is an
international organization which provides a
legal basis reprinting articles. It is
a formal way of saying what we have just
posted above. Here is a way to reach
Creative Commons:
One of the goals of Sociation
Today has been to make available to
the public refereed, scholarly sociological
articles without charging high fees like
JSTOR. Open access means knowledge
should be free. For us, it is.
Sociation Today
is web-based. Our ISSN number is ISSN
1542-6300. We are a member of the
EBSCO publishing group. The EBSCO data
base provides us with a way of making sure
our articles have a permanent home
maintained by another organization.
Most university libraries in the United
States are a member of EBSCO. Sociological
Abstracts lets other sociologists know of
George H. Conklin, Editor
Updated January 2017
© 2017 by Sociation Today
A Member of the EBSCO Publishing Group
Abstracted in Sociological Abstracts
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