the Dots between Species
Overpopulation, and the
Use of Resources
Marshall Marcus
Species extinction is not
new. Since childhood we
have heard about the
disappearances of wooly
mammoths, saber-tooth tigers,
Neanderthal man, and passenger
pigeons. Now emerging,
however, is information that
world-wide mass species
extinction is happening,
accelerated by the Industrial
Revolution. Once these
species are extinct, it will
take millions of years of
evolution for replacements to
appear. Extinction is
happening at an exponential
rate, a rate that in another
century may result in
destruction of the biological
diversity adequate to support
Biological diversity gives us
the raw materials for our
economies, provides us our
food, recycles our waste,
prevents erosion, and protects
us from solar radiation.
Losing that diversity will
reduce the earth's carrying
capacity to support Homo
sapiens. Exceeding
carrying capacity will mean a
massive die-off of
humans. There is clear
evidence that the main driving
forces behind loss of
biological diversity are world
overpopulation and the
wasteful use of resources
required to support
The total number of species on
earth may be between 10 and 30
million. The natural or
"background" loss of species
is somewhere between 0.1 and
one species per million per
year, depending on whose
research is being cited.
Assuming there are ten million
species and not counting
unclassified species, a normal
extinction level is between 1
and 10 species lost per
year. But, since about
1900 we have become aware that
during a period of time
measured not in millions of
years but in decades, many
more than ten species per year
have become extinct or are
facing extinction.
The terms
"threatened" and "endangered,"
as defined in the U.S.
Endangered Species Act of
1973, help in understanding
the process of
extinction. Threatened
means a species is still
abundant but, because of
declining numbers, is likely
to become endangered in the
near future. Endangered
means a species is in
danger of extinction in all or
a significant part of its
range. The Red List
of the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
headquartered in London, lists
thousands of currently
threatened, endangered, and
extinct species. Examples of
the latter in the U.S. include
the Ivory Billed Woodpecker,
the Carolina Parakeet, and the
Eskimo Curlew, millions of
which used to fly along the
west coast, wintering in the
Arctic and flying to South
America for the summer.
beautiful Monarch butterfly,
now a threatened species, is a
case in point. The fall
migrations of the Monarchs
take them to nesting sites
along the west coast of North
America and into Mexico. After
steep and steady declines in
their numbers at nesting sites
in Mexico for the three years
prior to 2013, that year found
these black-and-orange
butterflies covering only 1.6
acres, compared to 2.9 acres
in 2012. They covered
more than 44.5 acres at their
recorded peak in 1996.
Major contributors to their
decline are believed to be
loss of habitat and a decrease
in milkweed growth in Canada,
the U.S. and Mexico. The loss
of milkweed, a primary source
of food for the Monarch, may
be the result of the
widespread use of Roundup, a
Monsanto herbicide sprayed on
genetically modified wheat,
corn, and soybean crops in the
extinctions result from loss
of habitat as human population
has increased; other causes
include hunting for profit and
food. Decimation in
Africa of rhino and elephant
herds for body parts is well
known, as is killing for "bush
meat," such as killing tapirs
for food in South
America. Species
extinction is also being
driven by the importation of
invasive species, such as the
Argentine Tegu lizard
introduced into Florida.
Introduction of massive
amounts of pesticides and
herbicides into the world
environment, as in the example
of the Monarch butterfly, is
another driver.
northern habitats are being
lost as more heat from the sun
is absorbed by the open Arctic
sea, instead of being
reflected back into space by
snow-covered ice. Extra
energy absorbed is so great
that it measures about
one-quarter of the
heat-trapping effect of
atmospheric carbon dioxide
(Cory). Devastation of
habitats by oil extraction and
strip mining of coal and tar
sands is well known. Examples
in North America range from
the waste ponds of the
Canadian tar sands, to BP's
2010 catastrophe along the
Gulf Coast, to the 1.1 million
gallon oil spill in 2012 along
the Kalamazoo River in
Michigan. The same devastation
occurs in the mining of
copper, gold and other
The problem
is not caused by the number of
Homo sapiens on earth
alone; our habits of
consumption and waste
generation add to it.
Our waste products pollute the
ground, the oceans, the
aquifers and rivers from which
we draw our drinking water and
the air we breathe.
Among the causes of the
die-off of corals in the
oceans, for instance, is the
extinction of ocean-dwelling
species by air pollution from
carbon dioxide. Airborne
carbon dioxide reacts with
dissolved carbonate ion
(CO3−2) in seawater to form
bicarbonate ion, HCO3−1. This
removes carbonate from
seawater, and carbonate is the
building block of many
crustaceans and corals.
Removing carbonate from
seawater slows the process of
calcification and threatens
the survival of a multitude of
aquatic species.
reduction of available
carbonate is not the only
outcome; in the process the
oceans become more
acidic. Normally
seawater is slightly alkaline
on the pH scale, at pH = 8.1,
where pH = 7 is neutral
(neither acidic nor
alkaline). A recent
study concludes that at
atmospheric carbon dioxide
levels of 500 to 650 parts per
million (ppm), negative
effects of increased ocean
acidity outweigh positive ones
for corals, mollusks and fish,
but not for crustaceans
(Wittmann and Poertner).
Above that level, all sea
creatures are harmed. At 650
ppm of atmospheric CO2, ocean
acidity will drop to a pH of
approximately 7.8. That
is about where corals stop
growing. Most
other ocean species that use
carbonate will also slow or
cease their uptake of
carbonate. They then begin an
accelerated die-off.
How close
are we to 650 ppm? We
are now approaching a
world-wide level of 400
ppm. Data from the
National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration
show that between 1959 and
1999, atmospheric CO2
increased 1.3 ppm/year
(Tans). Between 1999 and
2014, CO2 increased 2.0
ppm/year. This could be
an indicator that not only the
increase itself, but the rate
of increase is also becoming
exponential. As the rate
of increase in atmospheric CO2
becomes exponential, it may
easily average more than 3.0
ppm per year in the next 80-90
years, causing atmospheric
levels to exceed 650
already have enough
preliminary data to show the
connection between the
world-wide increase in human
population and species
extinction. The data
have been available for years,
but have not been widely
publicized. Extinction
is being faced by every
species in the taxonomic
system of classification,
including us in the long term.
In 2008,
the U.S. Geological Survey's
Idaho Cooperative Fish and
Wildlife Service Research Unit
at the University Of Idaho
published the attached graph
summarizing what was known
then about species die-off
(Scott). The graph shows two
curves, the top one reflecting
population in billions of Homo
sapiens and the bottom
one the estimated species
extinctions in thousands
Both curves rise slowly until
the Industrial Revolution and
then shoot up exponentially as
the earth's human population
approaches seven billion by
Assuming a
base of ten million species,
and leaving out unclassified
bacteria and Archaea
species, results like these
indicate that in the 100 years
from 1810 to 1910, the world
lost possibly 1,200 species,
about one per million,
equivalent to perhaps ten per
year. Between 1910 and
2010, the projected loss
worldwide was 32,000 species,
most of that occurring between
1980 and 2010, as species
losses became
exponential. From these
earlier data, some researchers
put the loss rate after 2008
at about 2,500 times
pre-Industrial Revolution
background (Myers).
Researchers with more recent
data put the background
species extinction rate
somewhat lower, at about 1,000
times the pre-Industrial
Revolution rate (Pimm,
Jenkins). In either case, huge
numbers of species are
disappearing. Once gone,
they are gone forever. We can
only assume a proportional
loss of unclassified species,
ones that will never be known
to science. Only millions of
years of future evolution can
replace lost species.
Many will
ask: Aren't some extinctions
part of the natural order of
things? Haven't there been
extinctions before? Yes,
starting with the Ordovician
extinction 440 million years
ago, there have been at least
five major previous mass
extinctions. Paleontologists
have clues in the geologic
record as to causes. The
Ordovician mass extinction,
for example, appears to have
been caused by
glaciation. At that time
most life was in the sea, and
some 85% of all sea life
perished. Even more extensive
was the Permian extinction 251
million years ago, also
probably due to glaciation, in
which perhaps 96% of species
disappeared. All life
now on earth has descended
from the remaining 4%.
However, no evidence exits
that any of the five major
extinctions was caused by the
activity of one species, as is
the case now.
journalist Elizabeth Kolbert's
The Sixth Extinction,
which mirrors the ideas of
Harvard paleontologist Niles
Eldridge, author of a
2001article of the same title,
describes how a sixth mass
extinction began to accelerate
with the Industrial
Revolution. Her
excellent book describes the
symptoms of the current
extinction but does not
explore in detail the main
underlying cause, namely world
overpopulation and how to deal
with it.
* *
Demographers, those who
analyze population data,
provide clues as to the
outcome of steadily growing
populations. One famous
demographer, Thomas Malthus
(1766-1834), argued that since
populations increase
geometrically while food and
living space do not, life can
be made tolerable only if
births are limited, or by
death and violence. The
Malthusian operators of death
and violence aren't working in
the 21st century to decrease
overpopulation. So, why
not apply his other solution
and limit births?
There are
pros and cons about limiting
births. If you run a business
that makes more profit as you
sell to more people,
exponential population growth
may appear to be attractive,
as may the prospect of
bringing in new, young
converts if you support a
particular religion or
ideology, as the population
suggest that exponential
population growth may even be
beneficial. The argument
goes like this: increased
population will create
pressure for entrepreneurial
innovation; that will result
in new technologies (e.g.,
fracking and genetically
modified foods); those will
allow a further increase in
population; that, in turn will
result in more innovation; and
the cycle will repeat.
Is that a good argument for
increasing world
population? You can draw
your own conclusion.
profit-taking, religion and
ideology out of the discussion
for a moment, and answer the
following question:
advantage does more than
doubling the population of
the world from 3 billion in
1960 to over 7 billion in
2014 offer to the hope for
avoiding depletion of
resources, improving the
quality of human life
world-wide and protecting
the planet's biodiversity?
For the vast
proportion of people on the
planet, there appear to be no
long-term advantages from an
increasing population.
To the contrary: the
disadvantages far outweigh any
supposed advantages. For
example, overpopulation has
created a surge in uneducated
and unskilled workers subject
to a chronic disadvantage with
respect to jobs that pay a
living wage. Aware of
this and other problems
created by overpopulation,
some countries have made
efforts to control population
growth or make family planning
a requirement for couples
prior to marriage. China
is an example of the former
and Iran an example of the
latter. Meanwhile,
worldwide exponential human
population growth continues
with the world probably
already well past its
sustainable carrying capacity
for humans.
The problem
facing us is how to slow and
reverse the 200-year trend of
overpopulation and its
consequence of mass species
extinction. Can democracies
survive overpopulation and
lead the way to saving species
like the Monarch
butterfly? Science
writer Isaac Asimov, for one,
was skeptical, once telling an
interviewer, "Democracy cannot
survive over-population. Human
dignity cannot survive it.
Convenience and decency cannot
survive it. As you put more
and more people into the
world, the value of life not
only declines, it disappears.
It doesn't matter if someone
dies. The more people there
are, the less one individual
Some cite
the example of India, where
increased education and a
slowing birthrate, together
with increased crop yields and
an emerging middle class, all
create optimism about the
ability of the country to
survive and prosper.
Unfortunately, that example
will fail as India's
biodiversity is
destroyed. A growing
middle class is the tip-off:
with the upward economic
mobility of millions of
Indians, there will be the
accompanying growth of
consumption. That means the
loss of habitat to provide
housing and food; the loss of
more habitats will mean the
destruction of more species.
There is a
direct route to slowing
population growth, but in many
countries it is a very
difficult route to establish.
That route involves the four
common methods used to control
overpopulation around the
world: contraceptives,
abortion, voluntary tubal
ligation, and voluntary
vasectomy. All are remarkably
effective but not equally
desirable. Most common is the
use of contraceptives,
believed to be largely
responsible for the drop in
abortions in the U.S. and
elsewhere. Globally, as
women have become empowered
and sex education more
available, the methods
mentioned to avoid abortion
have become widespread.
It will be
necessary to involve the
world's religions and
ideologies as part of the
solution, admittedly a
difficult task. Perhaps
we could start by agreeing on
the sources of objective
information and accepting
historical facts behind the
impact of human overpopulation
and excess consumption on the
world's biodiversity. For
example, scientists have
established that the earth is
4.5 billion years old and that
human beings originated some 6
million years ago
(Dawkins). However, a
Gallup poll in 2012 found that
46% of Americans believed that
God created life on Earth
within the last 10,000 years.
I disagree, but for the sake
consensus we could let that
difference go, if the same
folks who believe in a more
recent origin of the planet
would agree that God also
created some ten million plus
species 10,000 years ago, and
that they are now dying off at
maybe 30,000 per year.
With that basis, it may be
possible for religions and
ideologies to reach a
consensus that overpopulation
is the main reason for species
die-off, and agree on what
needs to be done to reach a
sustainable level of
population and heal the
planetary devastation we have
created. It may require
decades and perhaps Malthusian
operators, the equivalent of
the Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse—conquest, war,
famine and death—to nudge
religious and business leaders
to seek population
stabilization, and then a
reduction below our present
seven billions of Homo
* *
What plan,
what paradigm, will give us
some hope of slowing species
extinction and loss of
biodiversity? The simple
answer is that we need a
cultural change to something
else, away from the culture of
exponential population growth
against a background of
shrinking resources, away from
a worldwide culture that
equates GDP growth with
success. If we in the
U.S. take as a priority
slowing and then stopping mass
species extinction here and
world-wide, and accept that
our increasing populations and
habits of consumption are the
main sources of the problem,
then the U.S. as a nation has
a marvelous opportunity before
What can
you and I do about the
situation? We can let our
concern about species
extinction be known to our
state and Federal elected
representatives; we can push
for our school boards to
require that the history of
species extinction be taught
from elementary school on; and
we can join a group that
provides the public with
educational materials on
species extinction. Examples
of such groups are the Center
for Biological Diversity, the
Nature Conservancy, the
International Union for
Conservation of Nature, and
the World Wildlife Fund. I
urge you do what you can to
prevent the destruction of the
world's biodiversity and
prevent the Malthusian
operators of violence and
death becoming dominant in the
Isaac. Interview by Bill Moyers.
Bill Moyers' World Of Ideas
(17 October 1988).
Cory, Rose, et al. "Surface
exposure to sunlight stimulates
CO2 release from permafrost soil
carbon in the Arctic."
Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences 110.9
(February 17, 2014), 3429-3434.
Dawkins, Richard. The
Ancestor's Tale. Houghton
Mifflin, 2005
Eldridge, Niles. "The Sixth
Extinction.", June,
Kolbert, Elizabeth. The
Sixth Extinction, an Unnatural
History. Henry Holt, 2014.
Myers, Norman. "Biodiversity and
the Precautionary Principle." Ambio
22.2-3 (May 1993), 74-79.
Pimm, S.L., Jenkins, C.L., et
al. "The Biodiversity of Species
and Their Rate of Extinction,
Distribution and Protection." Science
344 (May 30, 2014).
Scott, J.M. Threats to
Biological Diversity: Global,
Continental, Local. U.S.
Geological Survey's Idaho
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife
Service Research Unit at the
University of Idaho, 2008.
Tans, Pieter. "Trends in
Atmospheric Carboin Dioxide."
Website of the National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration/ Environmental
Remote Sensing Laboratory
(NOAA/ERSL), March, 2014.
Wittmann, Astrid, and Poertner,
Hans-Otto. "Sensitivities of
extant animal taxa to ocean
acidification." Nature
Climate Change 3.11
(January 2013), 995-1001.

A native of Memphis,
Tennessee, Marshall Marcus
earned a B.S. in chemistry at
Memphis State College
following two years of oil
exploration in Brazil, and
afterwards an M.S. in
chemistry from the University
of Kentucky.
teaching chemistry at
Transylvania College in
Lexington, Kentucky, he worked
as a polymer research chemist,
first with DuPont and then
with Firestone.
interest in industrial hygiene
led to employment by the State
of Virginia as a state OSHA
supervisor. After being
awarded national certification
as a Certified Industrial
Hygienist, he worked for 29
years as a safety and health
consultant for corporations,
school districts and the
federal government, retiring
in 2010.
He has been
an ardent Appalachian Trail
hiker; choir member and
vestryman in the Episcopal
Church; Red Cross chapter
director; and Red Cross
volunteer near New Orleans
following hurricanes Katrina
and Rita. He is married
and has one daughter. He
and his wife Virginia live in
Richmond, Virginia.
His paper
was presented at the Richmond
Torch Club on April 1, 2014.