From President
Norine Haas
This is my last message as President to
you, the Torch Club members in the United
States and Canada! The last two
years evaporated as quickly as Maryland's
three feet of snow did when the warm sun
began to shine, and during that time, the
Torch International Board has worked in
earnest to plan for the long-term
viability of the organization.
You have already heard about the Century
Project—a goal of 100 clubs and 5,000
members by the year of our Centennial in
2024, with the hope of developing a new
club to host the centennial celebration in
Minneapolis, where Torch began. This is
ambitious, but doable in the next eight
years if we all work together.
As we plan for the future, we will also
look in the rear view mirror. A
committee to plan the centennial will
consider how best to highlight outstanding
milestones of the hundred years of Torch
history, and how to celebrate this major
event in the life of Torch International.
In February, the Board set goals to
develop new clubs by urging established
clubs to reach out to their communities to
invite newcomers to join their
ranks. Each Regional Director
suggested towns and small cities within a
50-mile radius of an established club
where a cadre of candidates for a Torch
Club might be found. More than 30
locations were deemed possible sites for a
new club, with one locality in each Region
pinpointed for an effort to get a new club
underway this year.
Materials and "how to" suggestions are
available for this effort, and club
"sparkplugs" may call Jim Coppinger for
assistance if they have a bright idea for
a club within the 50-mile radius of their
club. Albany, NY club members Leo Kellogg,
Dick Lynch and Diana Hinchcliff, new
Region 1 Director, have done just this,
and I will travel to Saratoga Springs on
April 7th to present the charter to the
new Saratoga Torch Club.
The Board also urges clubs to create a
website, if they don't already have one,
and to consider social media to promote
club programs and activities. A
Torch club is a marvelous asset in a
community, and we have plans to provide
media samples for clubs to use to make
their presence known. Let the citizenry
know that an organization still exists
that provides a setting in which
reasonable, intelligent people can learn
together and have rational discussions
that shed light rather than heat. See our
new tagline below!
We plan to archive the Torch papers from
magazines in the earliest years, and
another Torch Tour is on the drawing
board. All of these plans and others
will be discussed further when we get
together in Columbus, Ohio in June.
Sadly, Region 5 Director Linda Jefferson,
a past president of the Columbus Club,
will not be with us. Most
unfortunately, she died in early February.
She will be greatly missed by her fellow
Board members, by Torch colleagues
throughout Ohio and in her home club, and
most of all by her family.
It has been my pleasure to have served as
your president. As Past President, I
will continue to cheer you on as we work
together to advance the cause of
Torch! Martin Luther King said,
"Faith is taking the first step even when
you can't see the whole staircase."
Let’s take some first steps together to
create a bright future for our clubs. It
will be fun! And please use our
new tagline wherever you can!
"Torch: A Forum for Reasoned Discourse."
My best to all,
©2016 by the International
Association of Torch Clubs