Ralph Falconer
by Anne
Ralph served as president (1999-2002)
at a time when IATC needed a strong
leader. He presided with
dignity, sought consensus, and
encouraged new, younger members.
I'll always remember Ralph and his
wife Pat in 2000, at St. Catherine's
ON. Handsomely dressed for the
Paxton Dinner, they followed a kilted
bagpiper in to dinner. The audience
instinctively rose as Ralph, followed
by Torch leaders, processed to their
places on the dais. Ralph's height
made his progress easy to follow
around the crowded room. Toasts to the
Queen and the President were
made. Canadians and their
American guests were purposely mixed
at each table. Conversation was
jovial, and lasting friendships were
formed. That was perhaps our finest
Paxton Dinner.
A couple of years later, while serving
as Past President on the IATC Board,
Ralph was asked to chair the Torch
Foundation. His tenure there was
not without contention over mission
and procedures, but subsequently olive
branches were extended to—and
from—Ralph. Several former
colleagues made it clear, by phone
calls, email, and visits, that his
years of work for IATC had been
greatly appreciated. Regional Director
Linda Porter stayed in touch
Although he lost Pat a few years ago,
after caring for her with dedication,
Ralph soldiered on. Buoyed by
his children, he stayed connected to
Torch through his local Torch Club,
and friends in Akron and Youngstown.
We will continue to be enriched by
remembering this tall, impressive Ohio
lawyer who was so devoted to Torch.