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The Torch Magazine.  The Journal and Magazine of the
International Association of Torch Clubs
for 95 Years

A Peer-Reviewed,

ISSN  Print 0040-9440
ISSN Online 2330-9261

  Spring 2020
Volume 93, Issue 3

   Articles for the Spring 2020 Issue
  1. Thanks for the Memories
    by Peter M. Mellette
      The ways which the mind stores and then recalls memories are described. A .pdf file of this article can be found here.
  2. Lincoln Did Not Free the Slaves: Critical Analysis and its Role in History
    by John W. Allen
      Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited in scope since it only freed the slaves in the rebellious states.  It is often forgotten that what really freed the slaves was the the 13th Amendment to the U.S.Constitution.  The documents which led up to this event are quoted in some detail. A .pdf file of this article can be found here.
  3. An African Hypothesis Regarding Fake News and Monotheists
    by Parker English
      It is argued that monotheists are more normally inclined to regard as infallible their own norms of conduct. The faith-based thinking of monotheism encourages monotheists to regard their own secular norms of conduct as immune to criticism.  The history of the popular support for the United States' war in Viet Nam is used as an example.  A .pdf file of this article can be found here.
  4. Robert M. La Follette, Sr.: A Man Worth Remembering
    by Kris Stahl
      The history of the La Follette family is outlined, with an emphasis on Robert's embrace of Progressivism, which was characterized by a commitment bring equality and human dignity to all people and by a resolve to achieve its objectives within the existing social and political framework and not by revolution.   A .pdf file of this article can be found here.
  5. Finding Common Ground: Means, Ends, and Core Values in America Today
    by Donald G. Hanway
      The author assumes that America was founded on some shared values, and many of these are still shared by the majority of us.  Examples are a sense of fair play and equal opportunity. Also a right to privacy, a sense of community, and freedom are discussed.  A .pdf file of this article can be found here.
  6. When "Going Gentle Into That Good Night" May Be the Right Decision: The Case for Assisted Suicide
    by Leanne Wade Boern
      The fact that medical science can keep even unconscious people alive for years means that  it is time that we as a nation reach some consensus on how to proceed since prolonged deaths are increasingly common.  The author uses poetry, legal arguments and the views of doctors to illustrate why assisted suicide needs to discussed by the public.   A .pdf file of this article can be found here.

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